Our Mission: Make every employee feel seen and heard

Empowering them to operate with responsibility and integrity.

We have enabled 4,000+ companies (among them 60 Fortune 500 companies) to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. Spanning several geographies and industries, we have made businesses across industries more resilient, innovative, and undisputable when it comes to their digital operations. It’s only natural that we extend the same razor-sharp focus towards ensuring high ethical and compliance standards that govern how we do business. Accordingly, we have implemented a robust corporate governance framework and globally-compliant ethical standards that guide our business processes and define how we conduct our businesses. We hold ourselves and all the concerned parties unfailingly to these standards every day be it customers, governments, investors, partners, representatives, and most importantly - our employees. We expect all our employees to abide by the law, and operate in the best interests of Cloud4C. That means having our employees’ best interests at heart as well.

Fostering the Right Environment

At Cloud4C, we are committed to fostering an environment where employees:

Feel Respected

Feel Respected

When employees perceive that their contributions, opinions, and well-being are valued by the organization. This fosters a sense of trust between employees and the company, which is essential for promoting ethical behavior.Employees are more likely to adhere to ethical standards when they feel


Feel Valued

When employees feel valued, they are more likely to be committed to the organization's goals and objectives, including upholding ethical standards. A sense of value encourages employees to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities, including adhering to ethical guidelines.

SAP on Azure success story for cosmetic giant in Korea

Feel no fear of reprisal

When employees feel confident that they can raise concerns without fear of retaliation, it creates a culture of openness and transparency. Employees are more likely to report unethical behavior or compliance violations if they trust that that they will not face negative consequences for speaking up. This leads to early detection and resolution of ethical issues, which is essential for maintaining a strong ethical and compliance framework.

Our Policies

Explore our policies and commitments that inform our business practices
and how we interact with our various partners across the value chain.

  • Cloud4C is committed to acting legally in all of its business dealings wherever it operates. The Sanctions Policy outlines the actions that are required to ensure that the Company complies with Sanctions and that it does not contract or engage with countries, regions, industries, organizations or individuals which are the target of such sanctions. Cloud4C complies with and expects all the stakeholders to comply with the economic and trade sanctions laws and regulations, anti-money laundering laws and regulations, the trade sanctions laws of the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), United States of America (US), as well as all applicable sanctions laws and regulations (including import and export control regulations) in the jurisdictions which we operate. Cloud4C expects all its stakeholders to be compliant with the Sanctions Policy.

  • We expect all the stakeholders of Cloud4C to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption including but not limited to U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 1977, the UK Bribery Act 2010, the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and all other applicable Anti-bribery/Corruption laws and subordinate legislations in their country of operations. In line with this, we have adopted a “zero-tolerance approach” to malpractices, which is reflected in our Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy. Consistent with our business ethics and compliance, the policy defines the rules and guidelines to ensure that business is conducted according to the highest ethical standards.

  • This policy sets out the standards to identify and deal with the potential conflict of interests which occurs when an individual's personal interests could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace. In order to ensure the highest degree of ethical conduct, we, at all times, endeavor to avoid the existence of actual and/or potential against conflicts of interest and have accordingly established this policy which outlines how Cloud4C approaches any such situations.

  • This policy lays down the principles and guidelines to secure the accuracy and reliability of Cloud4C's accounting data and promote operational efficiency. It standardizes the way Finance and accounting activities are carried to ensure consistency, and provides a guidance to all staff of Accounts and Finance for smooth execution of their duties. The stakeholders are encouraged to be conversant with this policy whilst dealing with Cloud4C. The aim is to enable decision-makers to make informed decisions, through timely access to accurate data - financial or otherwise.

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    Trademark Usage Guidelines

    This policy sets the conditions under which you may use the registered and unregistered trademarks, service marks, logos, slogans or other Cloud4C or its affiliated entities identifiers (“Cloud4C Marks/ Marks”), in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials. All Cloud4C partners. customers, consultants and other concerned parties (including employees) are expected to follow these guidelines for using the Cloud4C Marks and brands properly in all communications, documents, and electronic messages.

  • This policy aims to establish principles for regulating the practice of offering and/or receiving gifts, entertainment, hospitality and/or other business courtesies. It sets out the minimum guidelines on the conduct expected from Cloud4C's employees, stakeholders and third parties acting on its behalf. It also aims to present internal control mechanisms for preventing and detecting any situations that could be interpreted as noncompliance.

  • All Cloud4C stakeholders including partners, customers, consultants and other stakeholders and employees, are expected to conduct business with highest standards of ethics, honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior. To that end, any concern related to malpractice or impropriety is treated by Cloud4C with utmost seriousness. Employees and other stakeholders with concerns about any aspect ofCloud4C, are encouraged to come forward and voice their concerns to the management. This policy enables stakeholders associated with Cloud4C to voice their genuine concerns in a responsible and effective manner without any fear of retaliation, victimization, or unfair treatment.

  • This policy outlines the requirements and processes that must be followed for Cloud4C, its group companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates to work with third-party business partners. It sets out due diligence procedures for carrying out business with third parties to ensure commitments to establishing long-term relationships set on a strong foundation. The aim is to enable Cloud4C to make informed decisions about who they associate with to avoid potential problems affecting its business ethics, values, and compliance.

  • This Policy delineates the set of standards that Cloud4C and its suppliers agree to ensure that a set level of legal, ethical, environmental and social practices are met. Cloud4C expects its suppliers engage in legal, ethical social and environmental practices that are aligned with its brand values. In selecting suppliers, Cloud4C seeks to do business with reputable business partners who are committed to ethical standards and business practices compatible with those of Cloud4C. This Code applies to all suppliers of Cloud4C including all of the Cloud4C Supplier's facilities. Cloud4C strongly encourages suppliers to exceed the requirements of this Code and promote best practices and continuous improvement throughout their operations.

  • Cloud4C is committed to acting legally in all of its business dealings wherever it operates. The Sanctions Policy outlines the actions that are required to ensure that the Company complies with Sanctions and that it does not contract or engage with countries, regions, industries, organizations or individuals which are the target of such sanctions. Cloud4C complies with and expects all the stakeholders to comply with the economic and trade sanctions laws and regulations, anti-money laundering laws and regulations, the trade sanctions laws of the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), United States of America (US), as well as all applicable sanctions laws and regulations (including import and export control regulations) in the jurisdictions which we operate. Cloud4C expects all its stakeholders to be compliant with the Sanctions Policy.

We expect all our employees, partners, consultants, customers and vendors (“Stakeholders”) to abide by the law, operate ethically, and in the best interests of Cloud4C. This Code of Ethics and Business Conduct lists down the basic guiding principles so that all the stakeholders have a fair idea of the same. The stakeholders who are still unsure whether their conduct complies with the Code of Ethics, should contact the Legal Team at Cloud4C.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

We expect all the stakeholders of Cloud4C to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption including but not limited to U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 1977, the UK Bribery Act 2010, the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and all other applicable Anti-bribery/Corruption laws and subordinate legislations in their country of operations. In line with this, we have adopted a “zero-tolerance approach” to malpractices, which is reflected in our Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy. Consistent with our business ethics and compliance, the policy defines the rules and guidelines to ensure that business is conducted according to the highest ethical standards.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

This policy sets out the standards to identify and deal with the potential conflict of interests which occurs when an individual's personal interests could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace. In order to ensure the highest degree of ethical conduct, we, at all times, endeavor to avoid the existence of actual and/or potential against conflicts of interest and have accordingly established this policy which outlines how Cloud4C approaches any such situations.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

This policy lays down the principles and guidelines to secure the accuracy and reliability of Cloud4C's accounting data and promote operational efficiency. It standardizes the way Finance and accounting activities are carried to ensure consistency, and provides a guidance to all staff of Accounts and Finance for smooth execution of their duties. The stakeholders are encouraged to be conversant with this policy whilst dealing with Cloud4C. The aim is to enable decision-makers to make informed decisions, through timely access to accurate data - financial or otherwise.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

This policy sets the conditions under which you may use the registered and unregistered trademarks, service marks, logos, slogans or other Cloud4C or its affiliated entities identifiers (“Cloud4C Marks/ Marks”), in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials. All Cloud4C partners. customers, consultants and other concerned parties (including employees) are expected to follow these guidelines for using the Cloud4C Marks and brands properly in all communications, documents, and electronic messages.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

This policy aims to establish principles for regulating the practice of offering and/or receiving gifts, entertainment, hospitality and/or other business courtesies. It sets out the minimum guidelines on the conduct expected from Cloud4C's employees, stakeholders and third parties acting on its behalf. It also aims to present internal control mechanisms for preventing and detecting any situations that could be interpreted as noncompliance.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

All Cloud4C stakeholders including partners, customers, consultants and other stakeholders and employees, are expected to conduct business with highest standards of ethics, honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior. To that end, any concern related to malpractice or impropriety is treated by Cloud4C with utmost seriousness. Employees and other stakeholders with concerns about any aspect ofCloud4C, are encouraged to come forward and voice their concerns to the management. This policy enables stakeholders associated with Cloud4C to voice their genuine concerns in a responsible and effective manner without any fear of retaliation, victimization, or unfair treatment.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

This policy outlines the requirements and processes that must be followed for Cloud4C, its group companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates to work with third-party business partners. It sets out due diligence procedures for carrying out business with third parties to ensure commitments to establishing long-term relationships set on a strong foundation. The aim is to enable Cloud4C to make informed decisions about who they associate with to avoid potential problems affecting its business ethics, values, and compliance.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

This Policy delineates the set of standards that Cloud4C and its suppliers agree to ensure that a set level of legal, ethical, environmental and social practices are met. Cloud4C expects its suppliers engage in legal, ethical social and environmental practices that are aligned with its brand values. In selecting suppliers, Cloud4C seeks to do business with reputable business partners who are committed to ethical standards and business practices compatible with those of Cloud4C. This Code applies to all suppliers of Cloud4C including all of the Cloud4C Suppliers facilities. Cloud4C strongly encourages suppliers to exceed the requirements of this Code and promote best practices and continuous improvement throughout their operations.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

Cloud4C is committed to acting legally in all of its business dealings wherever it operates. The Sanctions Policy outlines the actions that are required to ensure that the Company complies with Sanctions and that it does not contract or engage with countries, regions, industries, organizations or individuals which are the target of such sanctions. Cloud4C complies with and expects all the stakeholders to comply with the economic and trade sanctions laws and regulations, anti-money laundering laws and regulations, the trade sanctions laws of the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), United States of America (US), as well as all applicable sanctions laws and regulations (including import and export control regulations) in the jurisdictions which we operate. Cloud4C expects all its stakeholders to be compliant with the Sanctions Policy.

Data intelligence in the BFSI industry

Note: The standards envisaged hereunder are applicable to Cloud4C Services Private Limited, its group companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates which includes all the employees, staff, Directors/KMP, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, customers and other stakeholders, as appropriate for application.