Any information system ought to be built by taking into consideration various aspects, such as business logic, corporate governance, industry practices and market trends. The development of such systems is typically driven by a roadmap and wisely planned timelines. Cloud4C has a team of consultants with expertise in SAP solution architecture that can help your organization achieve its development goals.
We Start With the
When an organization frequently faces issues with their software – glitches, crashes, user dissatisfaction, or even falling short of deadlines – Cloud4C typically encourages the stakeholders to take a good look at the underlying architecture.
As an SAP Architecture Consulting partner, Cloud4C works with organizations to co-develop and co-architect software solutions, helping them identify right architecture elements and suggestions on process mining. Our teams work closely with your product/solution development teams on how to build a robust architecture which will serve as the foundation for building the SAP solutions.

Conceptualizing the Architecture
Cloud4C believes in steady development of architectures and coordination strategies to satisfy the base requirements. Our team puts across multiple options to be explored by the stakeholder, with the winning option decided after careful analysis and deliberation. Cloud4C consultants then work with the client team to help plug in the final architecture: developing the use cases, QA procedures, and product worthiness in extreme conditions.
We work with the product developers to prototype the envisioned product. This joint effort between our architects and the developers yields results that provide satisfaction to the client stakeholders.

Evaluating the Architecture
An architecture that is robust typically undergoes multiple iterations. Cloud4C’s expertise comes in handy in determining how an architecture can be effectively evaluated. Our teams work with client developers to improve architecture and establish the skills needed in-house to build systems that incorporate requisite critical components.
We offer the tools and best practices to iteratively develop system architectures. Our consultants take into consideration the quality attributes and tradeoffs if any.
We also lookout for risks, shortcomings, and inherent flaws within the system. This is critical since any organization relies on multiple systems that interact with or are connected to each other. Data Security and the Ease-of-maintenance is well considered too, so that the system can win stakeholder trust at the early stages itself.
Assessing the Architecture
Cloud4C offers one of the most effective approaches of architecture assessment and evaluation. We use qualitative and quantitative methodologies to understand how individual system components shall separately and collectively work with each other. Quantitative Assessment involves analysis of prototypes, simulation testing and Code Quality Management (CQM) to visualize the use cases and potential vulnerabilities. Qualitative methods consist of Design Reviews from Experience and Scenario-based standpoints to evaluate use cases. Cloud4C’s value addition lies in bringing in the right blend of quantitative upon qualitative methods to achieve accuracy in SAP solution delivery.